Read through the 2017 Issues of the Practice Management Digest! This library entry will be updated as new issues are released. April 2017: Greening Your Practice: Sustainable business practices and easy ways to incorporate sustainability into your projects (Read online) July 2017: Pro-bono work/public interest architecture: Socially conscious design and how architects can give back to the community (Read online) September 2017: Tips for training employees: Perspectives on the methods and benefits of employee training (Read online) The next issue of the Practice Management Digest will investigate “Presentation strategies: Improving skills related to public presentations and client interviews.” Join the conversation and let us know if your firm has any tips or tricks for creating and delivering a successful presentation. Submission deadline is November 3rd. We are always looking for topics that you would like to see addressed in an edition of the Digest. If you have topics related to practice management that you'd like explored or articles you would like us to consider, please contact Seth Anderson, AIA, at #Training #Digest #IDP #green #socialjustice #AXP #publicinterest #sustainablebusiness #PracticeManagement #probono