WELCOME! As your group admin I am thrilled to post the inaugural message for what I hope will be the first of many affinity groups at AIA.
As I've said before, this group will be a forum for members who identify as LGBTQIA+ to connect with one another. This affinity group is not meant to be a replacement for any community-centered work you may be doing. Rather, the goal is to enhance connectivity and collaboration through an online platform. The ideas and strategies that coalesce in this group can be carried forward for collaboration with AIA staff and volunteers. During this pilot phase, I'll be gathering feedback from you at regular intervals to optimize your experience going forward.
I've placed some key how to's in the group library to help you manage your privacy. Please feel free to reach out to me by messaging me directly in the group of you have any questions or concerns.
Based on a successful pilot, AIA intends to make the LGBTQIA+ affinity group a fully visible and promoted membership feature.
Thanks again for being part of what I hope will be the first step in AIA supporting its LGBTQIA+ members in a meaningful way.
Michael Hamilton
Director, Membership Retention & Engagement
The American Institute of Architects
Washington DC