LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group

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  • 1.  Call for Submissions for AIA 25

    Posted 09-28-2024 02:54 PM

    Is anyone looking to submit for AIA25? Last year, we were able to get a number of sessions on the calendar through doing some organization of those who were interested.

    If you would like to pursue that for next year, please let me know. It would be good to see what everyone is interested in sharing and how we can support one another within the submission process.

    Larry Paschall AIA
    Spotted Dog Architecture
    Dallas TX

  • 2.  RE: Call for Submissions for AIA 25

    Posted 10-01-2024 08:13 AM


    I'd be happy to have a chat about putting something together.




  • 3.  RE: Call for Submissions for AIA 25

    Posted 10-21-2024 05:20 PM

    I’m interested in helping. Let me know how I can get involved, and I’d be happy to connect and discuss further!
    My work email:

    Thank you,

    JUAN C. RICARDES, Int'l. Assoc. AIA

  • 4.  RE: Call for Submissions for AIA 25

    Posted 10-24-2024 10:58 AM

    I'm not planning on submitting and I'm not on the review committee, but I am in Boston. Happy to support, spread the word, and help organize us for next year's convention.

    Carolyn Day AIA
    MDS/Miller Dyer Spears Architects
    Watertown MA