Hi Brian,
Unfortunately, do to some budgetary constraints, We were unable to have the grant in the 2023 cycle, However, we are excited to be able to bring the Grant back in 2024! We don't have the time line yet, but we are expecting to be able to Make a formal announcement in February 2024.
Jeremy Miller, AIA
Jeremy Miller AIA
Metropolitan Design Studio + Architecture
Portland OR
Original Message:
Sent: 03-09-2023 05:57 PM
From: Brian L. Forehand AIA
Subject: SPD Grant program?
Hello all,
I am wondering if the Small Project Design Grant program will be renewed in 2023 and, if so, when the application period will open/close. (I believe that it was open already by this time last year and closed in mid-April).
I appreciate any information anyone is able to offer!
Brian Forehand AIA
nth° architecture + interiors
Washington DC