Small Project Design

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  • 1.  Historic small projects that are most impactful

    Posted 02-09-2023 04:37 PM

    Architects have always done a wide range of projects. What small project through history has been the most impactful to you or has influenced you?

    Andrew Thompson AIA
    Passaic County
    Paterson NJ

  • 2.  RE: Historic small projects that are most impactful

    Posted 02-09-2023 05:07 PM
    Edited by Lucas Gray Assoc. AIA 02-09-2023 05:07 PM

    One of the things that I loved seeing as a result of the Pandemic was the proliferation of street seats (parklets) throughout our cities. Turning parking spaces into places for people and additional seating for restaurants, bars, and small businesses was a great way to better utilize our limited urban real estate. 

    Lucas Gray, Assoc. AIA, SEED
    Charrette Venture Group
    Vancouver, BC

  • 3.  RE: Historic small projects that are most impactful

    Posted 02-11-2023 12:36 PM

    I love this question, because most often when we think of structures that inspire us, we are thinking of large structures.  Thinking small, I am inspired by structures housing utilities, such as the historic Power Houses at the locks along the Erie Canal and a modern little board-formed concrete gem here in Portland, Maine. They remind me that there was a time when these structures were designed and built for longevity and with great pride.

    Carol De Tine AIA
    Maine Licensed Architect

    Carriage House Studio Architects LLC
    144 Vaughan Street
    Portland Maine 04102
    207 318 0731

    above photo from