Academy of Architecture for Health

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Apply today for our scholarships and fellowships! 

Healthcare Design's Best Under 40 (U40)
Accepting applications until April 3, 2017

Recognize and celebrate individuals under 40 years of age making a significant contribution to the advancement of healthcare design. Each year up to two individuals are selected to have their names added to the distinguished U40 List.

Arthur N. Tuttle Jr. Graduate Fellowship in Health Facility Planning and Design
Accepting applications until April 20, 2017

This fellowship supports graduate students and emerging professionals seeking licensure, increasing their awareness of the needs and nature of healthcare facilities, attracting them to the field and advancing the knowledge of planning and design for healthcare environments.

Griffin/McKahan/Zilm (GMZ) Graduate Fellowship in Health Facility Planning and Design
Accepting applications until April 20, 2017

This fellowship was established by three leaders in healthcare planning through the Academy of Architecture for Health Foundation Legends fund to encourage research into healthcare programming and planning.

SLS Next Generation Scholarship
Accepting applications until April 24, 2017

The Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH) and the American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA) will sponsor two emerging professionals seeking licensure to attend the Summer Leadership Summit in Chicago, July 21-23, 2017.

Learn more about our scholarships and fellowships >


The Academy of Architecture for Health proudly announces the publication of its first year of the Case Study Library on the AIA/AAH website!

Architects, Designers and Planners usually conduct literature reviews, site and facilities tours, and occasionally put together informal “case studies” for their clients and teams to review before beginning a new project. The AIA/AAH Research Initiatives Committee proposes a new and more formal format for these type of informal case studies with the idea that increased rigor will improve the quality of the Case Studies and eventually lead to more detailed POE Studies by researchers.

We started our 2016 efforts with the 2013 UCLA Outpatient Surgery and Cancer Center Project as our Pilot Case Study Project and followed that up with additional case studies utilizing six of the seven 2016 AIA/AAH Healthcare Design Award winners as the first phase of a CASE STUDY formatting project with the goal of “bridging the gap” between research and practice.  Following this pilot phase, the Research Initiatives Committee plans to build a large accessibly online database of these case studies for healthcare architects, designers and planners (along with their clients) to use as a benchmarking tool. We are currently soliciting permission from the respective firms to add the 2013, 2014 and 2015 AIA/AAH Healthcare Design Award winners to our AIA/AAH Case Study Library sometime this year.

Access the case study library >


Missed last month’s webinar? Get the April one on your calendar!

If you happen to miss one of our ELEVEN webinars we will be hosting this year, we are working to have them recorded and available for our members to access at their leisure. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Watch for an announcement later this year for co-created sessions with the Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design and University of Kansas on emergency department design and planning.

Visit our resources page for current and past webinar content >


Brenna Costello, AIA, ACHA, EDAC

