The Toronto South Detention Centre (TSDC) is a large correctional facility in the south-west part of Toronto. The project was delivered under Infrastructure Ontario’s Design Build Finance Maintain (DBFM) program. Substantially complete in September 2012, it will house 1650 inmates. In addition the project included the Toronto Intermittent Centre (TIC) which accommodates a further 328 inmates on an intermittent basis. The TSDC also includes a central power plant, laundry and food preparation facilities. The project features direct supervision inmate units as well as segregation, medical, infirmary and mental health units. Precast, prefinished cell units were used for the majority of the inmate accommodations in three seven storey towers. The presentation will cover planning, design and construction issues. Achieving LEED Silver, the sustainable features and certification considerations will also be presented. The Owner/Client and Design-Builder will speak as well. #AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #2012AAJConference #2012AAJConferenceCorrectionsandDetentionTrack #CorrectionsandDetentionTrack #Presentations #Conferences