The Historic Resource Committee has arranged, in collaboration with the Historic Preservation Education Foundation for AIA Learning Units to be available through a series of quizzes based on the National Park Service Preservation Briefs.
The Preservation Briefs are an ongoing series of publications by the US National Park Service that provides guidance on preserving, rehabilitating, and restoring historic buildings. The first two quizzes in the series are now available:
Preservation Brief #43–The Preparation and Use of Historic Structure Reports Download the brief >Take the quiz >
Preservation Brief #44–The Use of Awnings on Historic Buildings: Repair, and New Design Download the brief >Take the quiz >
There are currently 47 Preservation Briefs in publication. Download a list of the briefs (pdf) or visit the National Park Service website for the online version of the briefs. The NPS Preservation Briefs are available in print copy for a nominal fee from the US Government Printing Office online bookstore, and online free of charge in a slightly simplified version the National Park Service web site. The quizzes can be taken after reading either the print or online version of each brief.