Smart growth and smaller dwelling units may address issues of sustainability far better than relying on technology. This webinar will present design strategies for developing smaller dwelling units as a means to achieve affordability in both initial and life-cycle costs while providing meaningful and appropriate designs for the ever increasing number of smaller households in the U.S. Examples will be included. With diminishing natural resources and increasing population, the need for energy efficient housing has never been greater. While greater energy efficiency achieved through technology and construction techniques is essential, this webinar will explore the ways smart growth and smaller residential unit design can achieve true sustainability while at the same time saving valuable lands for agriculture, forest, wet lands, animal and bird habitats, and recreation. While many individuals still see the American Dream of owning their own home as a major goal, the large house on a large lot with a two- or three-car garage in the suburbs is not a sustainable solution to our environmental wellbeing. However, the alternative of living in a smaller unit at a higher density may not be appealing to many. This webinar, presented by Michael Fifield, FAIA, AICP, Professor of Architecture and Director of the Housing Specialization Program at the University of Oregon, will demonstrate various principles for designing smaller dwelling units on smaller lots as a means of achieving greater energy efficiency, affordability, and long-term sustainability. #DesignPrinciples #Fifield #SmallerDwellingUnits #housing #Webinars #Schreiber #HKC1501 #webinar #HKC #Presentations #HousingKnowledgeCommunity