Committee on Architecture for Education

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9: Facultat de Dret de la Universitat de Girona 

05-29-2014 09:18 AM

Hazelwood School: Completed in 2008 A school of children and young people who are blind and deaf, many are also physically handicapped and all have a cognitive impairment. Together they represent the most acutely disabled children on Glasgow’s education role. There were no precedents for Hazelwood School. Although there are institutions for the blind or deaf which have parts devoted to the schooling of young people with dual sensory impairment, no stand alone school existed. Starting from scratch Alan Dunlop embarked upon two years of study and analysis and consultation, with clinicians, teachers, parents and the children, determined to create a school which would support the needs of the children and the aspirations of their parents. Hazelwood reduces the burden on teachers caring for children who can be difficult to reach, sometimes aggressive and highly emotional but where the pupils are now thriving. East Park: Starting on Site in 2014 By focusing on international standards of best practice for the residential and educational care of young people with autism, Alan Dunlop has designed East Park to encourage free movement and to establish a sense of independence while ensuring a safe and secure learning and living space, a pleasurable environment for pupils and teachers with easy access to green space within a dense urban setting. Ochil Tower: Early Stages of Design This new school and residences with workshops and studios for young people with special needs including autism is set within a stunning rural landscape. The school is grounded in the ethos of the Camphill Movement which creates a community where people can live and work together in healthy social relationships. These three projects, explained through development sketches, models, hand drawings and photographs by Professor Alan Dunlop will explain the process and confirm that young people who can be easily disoriented and confused and whose behavior can vary with boredom and anxiety and be aggressive can be helped and these characteristics alleviated within the physical environment by Architecture and careful design. You can upload and view the presentation below.

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09_Bonus_Expressive_Reductionism_Dunlop.pdf   7.31 MB   1 version
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09_Making Architecture_Dunlop.pdf   39.06 MB   1 version
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