T H E P R O G R A M This scholarship is administered in conjunction with the staff of National Architectural Accrediting Board-approved programs of architecture in the United States and RAIC Canadian schools of architecture. E L I G I B I L I T Y Applicants must be enrolled and working toward their first professional degree in architecture and can be: • In the third or fourth year of a five-year program that result in a BArch degree • In the fourth or fifth year of a six-year program (4+2 or other combination) that results in a MArch degree • In the second or third year of a three- to four-year program that result in a MArch degree and with an undergraduate degree in a discipline other than architecture E N T R Y R E Q U I R E M E N T S The following is required from each applicant: • A completed scholarship application • A transcript from each academic institution attended since high school • One letter of recommendation • Current résumé • Portfolio of three student projects • An essay on one of the three topics provided A W A R D S • The CAFM Knowledge Community will award (2) $4,000 scholarships. • The scholarships will be awarded for a full academic year beginning fall 2013. The award may not be used retroactively, deferred for use later, used for a partial year, or transferred to another individual. • Awards will be announced in June 2013. D E A D L I N E S The application and all accompanying information, including transcripts, student portfolio and letter of recommendation must be submitted on CD in pdf format, postmarked by March 22, 2013, and mailed to: Corporate Architects and Facility Management (CAFM) Scholarship Brett Rosenberg, Knowledge Communities Corporate Architects and Facility Management Scholarship The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006-5292 S E L E C T I O N The AIA members serving on the Corporate Architects and Facility Management Scholarship Advisory Group will select the recipients on the basis of academic performance, the recommendation letter, portfolio work and the essay. All decisions are final. Applications and enclosures become the property of the American Institute of Architects. C O N T A C T For questions please contact: brettrosenberg@aia.org.#Research #SpecialProjects #scholarship #application #FacilitiesManagement #cafm #Corporate #CorporateArchitectsandFacilityManagement