The Housing Knowledge Community of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) is proud to be a sponsor of the AIA Housing Awards program and the AIA/HUD Secretary Housing and Community Design Awards. The Housing Awards program, now in its 13th year, was established to recognize the best in housing design and promote the importance of good housing as a necessity of life, a sanctuary for the human spirit and a valuable national resource. The AIA/HUD Secretary’s Awards recognizes excellence in affordable housing architecture, neighborhood design, participatory design, and accessibility. The jury of architects, educators and writers recognized 6 projects for AIA Housing Awards and 3 projects for the AIA/HUD Secretary Awards from a very competitive pool of entries. This publication celebrates exemplary housing and community engaged design.#GaryGladwichArchitecture #affordablehousing #MahlumArchitects #CaseStudies #CommitteeonDesign #BohlinCywinskiJackson #CustomResidentialArchitectsNetwork #BestPractices #AbacusArchitects #AlterstudioArchitectureLLP #Reports/Essays #HousingKnowledgeCommunity #ViaVerde #multifamilyhousing #DattnerArchitects #customhousing #AIAHousingAwards2013 #GrimshawArchitects #gluck