Earn 1.0 AIA HSW LUs | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET | Register Now at No Cost
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Data gathered in 2003 by the commercial building energy consumption survey estimated total fuel consumption at 6.523 quatrillion Btus. Another way to look at this is the 1.4 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity that goes to power both residential and commercial. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the Building Sector consumes nearly half (48.7%) of all energy produced in the United States. Seventy-six percent (75.7%) of all the electricity produced in the U.S. is used just to operate buildings. In order to have meaningful impact and reduce our energy use, architecture design, specifically residential, should play a physical, social, scientific, environmental and meaningful role in shaping our energy future. This presentation reviews a variety of housing projects in Nebraska that have re-defined the use of energy in design, construction and operations. Zero-net energy housing (ZNEH) is an ambitious agenda establishing a goal of zero energy use in the residential market.

Learning Objectives
- Evaluate cost effective energy efficient housing practices across a range of projects.
- Understanding of zero-net energy housing practices and related design, technology and health issues.
- Apply best practices to residential design work.
- Role of software and technology in residential design practices.
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Attendees will earn 1.0 LUs. A link to a survey will be provided both at the end of the webinar and in a follow-up email sent one hour after the end of the webinar. All attendees at each site submit one form: 1) page one: webinar survey and 2) page two: CES report form. The survey must be completed within 24 hours of the webinar. AIA members and IDP record holders will have their credit recorded within 48 hours of the webinar. All attendees will be prompted to download a certificate of completion at the end of the survey.
Please send your questions, comments and feedback to: knowledgecommunities@aia.org.
Timothy Hemsath is currently Assistant Professor in the College of Architecture. He has over 10 years of combined industry and educational experience in the design, construction and research in energy efficiency and sustainable design. He was the architect for the ZNETH and ZNETH II energy efficient prototypes working with the College of Engineering. He has served as the PI on a $98,787 Nebraska Research Initiative funded project to build research capacity surrounding Zero-net energy research at the University of Nebraska.