National Association for Court Management Midyear Conference

Starts:  Feb 9, 2014 12:00 AM (ET)
Ends:  Feb 11, 2014 12:00 PM (ET)
Call for Proposals EXTENDED to July 26, 2013 for the 2014 NACM Midyear Conference
By: Chuck Oraftik FAIA, LEED® AP (AAJ Liaison to NACM)

As part of a program of collaboration with various justice partners, I would like to make you all aware of the Call for Entries” recently issued by the National Association for State Courts (NACM).  This call is for presentations for their mid-year conference to  be held in Savannah, GA February 11-14, 2014. Background information and submission forms are attached.

The Academy of Architecture for Justice and NACM have a strong, successful and growing multi-year partnership. We encourage all AAJ members to consider responding to this unique and mutually beneficial opportunity. Please note that the submission deadline is June 28 - and feel free to contact me with  any questions you might have at

Concept & Call for Proposals | Submission Form

#AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #kc


Savannah, GA