The BIMForum announces the publication of the 2023 Level of Development (LOD) Specification which is now available for public comment until 2024-01-15. The BIMForum had created the first version of the LOD Specification in 2013. The current edition marks the 10 year anniversary of the document. In the past 10 years the BIMForum LOD specification has helped countless projects and practitioners defining scope, qualities and expectations of models that are created and managed on construction projects. to learn more, click here - 2023 Level of Development (LOD) Specification - BIM Forum
The document is posted here: Level of Development (LOD) Specification – BIM Forum
Review comments can be posted here:
Brian Skripac, Assoc. AIA, DBIA, CM-BIM, LEED AP
Director, Virtual Design & Construction
Design Build Institute Of America (DBIA)
Washington, DC