Normally when I do these my AHJ will want some indication that it has been reviewed by the EOR. So even if the design is provided by the subcontractor, I ask the engineer of record to provide a submittal reveiw stamp. In this case we use the "no exceptions" but we also use the "furnish as corrected" if needed.
I think you should be careful to comply with the intent of IBC as listed below:
[A] Deferred submittals. Deferral of any
submittal items shall have the prior approval of the
building official. The registered design professional in
responsible charge shall list the deferred submittals on
the construction documents for review by the building
Documents for deferred submittal items shall be
submitted to the registered design professional in
responsible charge who shall review them and forward
them to the building official with a notation indicating
that the deferred submittal documents have been
reviewed and found to be in general conformance to the
design of the building. The deferred submittal items
shall not be installed until the deferred submittal documents
have been approved by the building official
Philip Haderlie AIA
Associate Principal
VCBO Architecture
Salt Lake City UT
Original Message:
Sent: 03-16-2020 22:08
From: Derek Bustos
Subject: Submittals Stamped "For Record"
With the rapidly increasing differed submittals for miscellaneous steel, cold-formed metal studs, curtainwalls etc, what is the correct stamp for that submittal if the design intent is correct but details and calculations are by others? Does it get stamped "No exceptions taken" or "For Record"?
Thank you for your time.
Derek Bustos AIA
Los Angeles CA