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  • 1.  Serving as local architect

    Posted 6 days ago
    Hello everyone, 
    I have a client who may use an out-of-state architect for a separate project that is outside of my scope of work. I anticipate they may ask me to act as the architect of record as the other architect is not licensed in Maine.
    Any advice on how to approach this would be appreciated. Work for the client or the other architect? What sort of contract? No fee advice, of course. Let's not worry the AIA's attorneys.
    Thank you!
    Carol De Tine AIA
    Maine Licensed Architect

    Carriage House Studio Architects LLC
    144 Vaughan Street
    Portland Maine 04102
    207 318 0731

  • 2.  RE: Serving as local architect

    Posted 5 days ago
    Hi Carol, 

    I'd recommend the AIA contract series B111 and B112.  These two separate out the "Design" scopes and the "Record" scopes via prime contracts with the Owner.   It is not a simple arrangement though, so may not be the best agreement for every project or Owner.  If nothing else, you could sign separate prime contracts of any sort and use E205 to clearly delineate responsibility.  

    I would not recommend working for the Design Architect.  Sharing of IP can be a frustrating experience and scopes tend to become mixed during the design process.  Do your best to draw clear lines whenever possible.  

  • 3.  RE: Serving as local architect

    Posted 5 days ago
    Carol J.,
    Contract directly with the client through a Letter of Agreement with Terms and Conditions.
    The LOA will outline the name of the client's project, etc., then your scope and fee.
    When working for a non-licensed architect, you'd carry more liability.
    Eventually, as the AOR, you may also subcontract with the out-of-state architect.
    Best regards,
       ARCHITECT  -  AIA   |   NCARB   |  SME  |  LEED
    1323 18th Street, Unit D  -  Santa Monica, CA 90404
    Cell: (415) 710-4702 | EM: 

  • 4.  RE: Serving as local architect

    Posted 5 days ago


    Similar to the previous responses contract directly with the owner. And if the design architect is to stay involved, I find it works well for the design architect to continue to be paid by the owner.

    Best regards,


    Patrick Flynn AIA
    AIA Southern New York
    Corning NY

  • 5.  RE: Serving as local architect

    Posted 5 days ago
    Greetings, friends, and thank you!

    So many helpful responses. Both architects should work for the Owner - great advice, thanks. Contract suggestions - excellent, thanks. I've checked them all. Really helpful. Letter of agreement - also a great suggestion. I'll get advice from my insurer on contracts vs. LOA.

    The building is a local and National Register landmark so approvals at the front end will be significant, and will continue with SHPO until the end. We may also need a zoning variance. 

    I don't think I'll take this on if I am not included in the design at all. I'd rather fill that space with a great design challenge/opportunity. It will all come down to how the other architect views our relationship and if I think we can establish a good rapport. I'm meeting him for the first time tomorrow so again, thank you! Your very thoughtful responses are truly appreciated.

    Carol De Tine AIA
    Maine Licensed Architect

    Carriage House Studio Architects LLC
    144 Vaughan Street
    Portland Maine 04102
    207 318 0731