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  • 1.  Curved window system

    Posted 08-22-2024 01:42 PM

    Does anyone know of a good US-based company for curved glass and window/door systems? (in plan not in elevation) thank you

    Rand Pinson AIA
    Pine Bureau
    Portland OR

  • 2.  RE: Curved window system

    Posted 08-23-2024 05:49 PM

    Hi Randy, not a US based company but Loewen out of Canada in clad /wood just made some for me . It would be dependent on the size of the units.




    Thomas Dean

    Window Visions

    777 S. Hwy 101 Suite 100

    Solana Beach, Ca. 92075

    Wk 858-345-1076

    Cel 619-985-3318


  • 3.  RE: Curved window system

    Posted 08-26-2024 05:55 PM - or or Western Windows provided an aluminum fixed 90 degree curved glass window/frame for me in 2014 - 54×84 $9000.

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  • 4.  RE: Curved window system

    Posted 08-26-2024 05:26 PM

    It has been a long, long time since I tried to do curved glass, but then it was not possible if the glass need to be heat treated or tempered. This would preclude any glass in a door or a window next to a door.


    Tommy Taylor AIA
    Hensley Lamkin Rachel Inc.
    Dallas TX

  • 5.  RE: Curved window system

    Posted 08-27-2024 09:10 AM

    Duratherm windows out of Maine is a great resource for bent glass (curved in plan) windows and doors. 

    Alan Pickett AIA
    Pickett & Company
    Otley IA

  • 6.  RE: Curved window system

    Posted 08-29-2024 08:35 AM

    Several years ago, I did some curved sliding glass doors. The view was across an open pass on the Gulf of Mexico. The contractor found a windshield manufacturer that made the glass so there was little to no distortion. It was very expensive but may be a resource to look into.







    John Benton, Assoc. AIA

    Project | BIM Manager

    SDG Architecture


    Phone: 727-736-5463 Ext. 229

    Cell : 727-252-9522



    793-D San Christopher Dr.

    Dunedin, FL 34698



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  • 7.  RE: Curved window system

    Posted 08-27-2024 06:00 PM
    Edited by Kenneth H. Workman AIA 08-27-2024 06:00 PM


    About 25 years ago, I had some curved glass double hung windows installed in a turret that overlooked a city view. The turret was about 3/4 circle so there were windows directly opposite one another.  We discussed with our client that it was hard to predict how the reflections in the glass on the interior might appear, particularly at nighttime and there was a risk of a "fun house" effect. They agreed to go ahead and sure enough they weren't happy with the results. I don't know if your situation is similar or not and I'm certain there have been advances in glass technology that could possibly diminish such effects, but I just wanted to advise you to make sure your client is aware that there may be some potentially undesirable effects with curved glass and willing to accept that risk.

    Kenneth Workman AIA
    Architectural Design Works Studio
    Cincinnati OH

  • 8.  RE: Curved window system

    Posted 08-27-2024 06:09 PM

    Thanks Kenneth. Good to know. I'll discuss with the manufacturer/supplier to get their thoughts as well. Appreciate it.

    Rand Pinson AIA
    Pine Bureau
    Portland OR

  • 9.  RE: Curved window system

    Posted 10-14-2024 09:22 AM

    Hi Rand, 

    I work for J. Gleason Window + Door in NY. We're a manufacturer of custom wood window and doors. We recently completed a project with curved in plan double hung units, that also pocketed into the wall cavity. Check out the images on our website: 

    I was actually the project architect for this project prior to me joining J. Gleason. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. 



    Christopher Parrinello-Alekel AIA
    J. Gleason Window + Door Company
    Shirley NY