Hi Sarah -- thanks so much for these recommendations! I'm going to plan to attend the conference in April.
Brian Forehand AIA
nth° architecture + interiors
Washington DC
Original Message:
Sent: 11-18-2024 02:57 PM
From: Sarah E. Gregory AIA
Subject: Certification for Aging-in-Place professionals
Also, we (AIA DFA) are a partner with the Environments for Aging Conference (EFA). Each spring EFA has an educational conference. April 2025 will be in Lexington KY. https://environmentsforaging.com/. I learned by partnering with other firms and then working for specialty firms- Best
Sarah Gregory AIA
Dwell Design Studio, LLC
Charlotte NC
Original Message:
Sent: 10-27-2024 02:33 PM
From: Brian L. Forehand AIA
Subject: Certification for Aging-in-Place professionals
Hi all,
I am curious if anyone has first hand experience going through any certifications for professionals focused on aging-in-place and/or has any feedback or recommendations. I am aware of three such certifications, NAHB's CAPS, Living in Place Institute's CLIPP, and USC's Home Mods program. Are any of these more or less geared towards practicing architects? Are there other programs or resources for architects focused on increasing residential accommodations that we should be considering?
Thanks in advance for any recommendations and insights!
Brian Forehand AIA
nth° architecture + interiors
Washington DC