In 2017, AIA published their findings from the first k-12 inventory scan, collecting information from AIA Components around the country on K12 programming being offered by their members and the communities they serve.
We are excited to renew this effort in 2023 and invite submissions intended to update and expand upon that initial collection so that we may highlight opportunities and increase access to the profession of architecture and design.
AIA aims to collect data about architecture programs and initiatives being offered to youth and k-12 audiences around the country. Respondents are asked to describe their most successful programming and engagement efforts. Submissions can be made by AIA Components, individual members, firms, colleges or universities, architecture foundations, or STEAM and/or mentorship programs, but should have a specific focus on the profession of architecture.
Data collected will be compiled to create an informal resource of programming accessible to members and the public as well as influence ongoing strategic approaches to K12 initiatives offered and supported by AIA at the national level.
If you are actively engaging K12 youth through programs, activities, or initiatives that inspire, nourish, and connect students to a passion for architecture and the power of design, we ask that you please complete this short survey by December 1, 2023.
Andrea Milo
The American Institute of Architects
Washington DC