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  • 1.  Book Opportunities?

    Posted 09-12-2024 04:11 PM

    My company have had a rash of publishers reach out to us to be featured in their books (with several architects / interior designers) or to featured in our own monograph book.

    We have been in books over the years being featured, but not sure if we can quantify the success because it was in the last decade.

    Has anyone had experience with monograph book?  Did you find that beneficial?  Finally were you asked to participate more than providing photography and content?

    Thanks in advance for any feedback you are willing to share?

    Nicholas Blavat AIA
    Deep River Partners Ltd.
    Milwaukee WI

  • 2.  RE: Book Opportunities?

    Posted 09-12-2024 06:04 PM

    We bit on a book featuring other architects, and in the end it is really not useful for marketing because it also features competitors. Since then we have self-published a monograph, which is much more economical. Alas, it won't end up in the bargain bin at a bookstore but it is better suited to the purpose. Now, if Rizzoli or Monacelli is calling, that's a much different proposition...

    Gregory Ibanez FAIA
    Ibanez Shaw Architecture LLC
    Fort Worth TX

  • 3.  RE: Book Opportunities?

    Posted 09-12-2024 06:20 PM

    Thank you for your feedback.  I agree based on other experiences we have had.

    Nicholas Blavat AIA
    Deep River Partners Ltd.
    Milwaukee WI