Cedra, thank you for sharing this. Do you believe that assisted living or memory care environments are significantly different or do you believe that the same recommendations would apply to lower acuity senior care environments?
Jonathan Emery AIA
Seattle WA
Original Message:
Sent: 12-03-2024 02:41 PM
From: Cedra Goldman AIA
Subject: Access to Recently Published Article about Designing LTC Staff Spaces to Support Employee Well-being
I recently had an article published by JAMDA entited "Designing LTC Physical Work Environments to Support Worker Wellbeing: A Review and Recommendations". While much of the information is familiar to architects working in the sustainability and healthy-building space, the intent of the article is to communicate this information to owners/operators of LTC facilities and health facilities, in general. It is open access for everyone until January 3, 2025 so I wanted to post a link here in case you want to read it or share it with colleagues or clients. Link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1k5yv5QyCqK0Kz
Cedra Goldman AIA
The Manya Group
Denver CO