(inclusive of 'Sustainability Future Award' – no extras)
(Note: all details listed on each task as one progress on-line, also summarized below for clear preparation)
Task 1: Eligibility (enter architect's name on two lines)
Task 2: Architect and client info
Task 3: Collaboration Acknowledgements (name other architects + consultants involved)
Task 4: Project Description
(Project Title; Category; Description- < 250 words; Sustainability <100 words - optional
Task 5: Project Details
Project Address; year of completion (2019-2024); Site Area; Floor Area; Building Height; No of Floors; Program; (Optional project video upload). For SFA (Sustainable Future Award) please see Appendix A below for additional questions. For IDEA (Inclusive Design Excellence Award) please see Appendix B below for additional questions. For Firm Award please see Appendix C below.
Task 6: Copyright Image page (give photo credit)
Task 7: Submission Upload for Jury Review
PDF with project photos, drawings and text is the primary evaluation tool for jurors. PDF no more than 20 pages, and no more than 10MB in size.
Photos: Submit a minimum of three images/photographs
Drawings: Floor Plans; Site plans; Elevations; Sections
Task 8: Exhibition Images
Submission Guidelines: Print Area Size: 594mm x 385mm; Resolution: 300DPI or higher
Maximum File Size: 10MB per image; Image quantity: Minimum 2 – Maximum 4 Portrait or Landscape
Task 9: Booklet Publication Images
Submission Guidelines: Print Area Size: 90mm x 150mm; Resolution: 300DPI or Higher Max file size: 10MB; Image Quantity: Minimum 2 - Maximum 4 Portrait format recommended or 2 Landscape Images.
Task 10: Optional Sustainability: Enhanced recognition opportunity 6 questions
Task 11: Optional Upload for Sustainability (10MB max)
Task 12: Submit payment with cc
Appendix A
Sustainable Future Award – Additional Questions
Note – This section is optional, but we recommend entrants complete it so you can also be considered for this award.
1. Best Practice Standards
List any best practice standards incorporated in the project design (LEED v4, LEED 2009, WELL, BREEAM, RESET, BEAM and/ or other)
2. Design for Energy: (ref. AIA COTE Measure 6)
Please share a short narrative and any metrics available that illustrate how the project incorporates: Design intention for reduced consumed energy (may reference energy use intensity (EUI) or carbon emissions; can share actual measurements if available but not required)
3. Design for Resources: (ref. AIA COTE Measure 8)
Please share a short narrative and any metrics available that illustrate % of waste diverted from landfill, % of reused and recycled materials (may make reference to CO2 intensity, LCA, EPD if available, but not required)
4. Design for Water (ref. AIA COTE Measure 4)
Please share a short narrative and any metrics available that illustrate how the project incorporates: Design for water reduction (may include rain water capture, grey water use, roof or ground water capture design, actual water use measured if available but not required)
5. Design for resource efficiency (ref LEED v4)
Please share any narrative or design intentions that illustrate how the project incorporates: Design with energy efficiency best management practices and aims to achieve minimum energy use (LEED v4)
6. Design for Human Health and Wellness (ref. IWBI WELL standard; RESET)
Please share a short narrative and any metrics available that illustrate how the project incorporates: Design for human health and wellbeing. (may make reference to IAQ monitoring actual data, ergonomics, stair incorporation, but not required)
Appendix B
Inclusive Design Excellence Award (IDEA) - Additional Questions
Note – This section is optional, but we recommend entrants complete it so you can also be considered for this award.
Please share specific ways in which the project addresses accessibility and supports universally inclusive design.
In what ways is the project compliant with local regulations relating to accessibility? Please also share any ways the project goes beyond what is required in this area of design.
Does the project incorporate tactile way-finding and signage for the visually impaired?
What measures if any have been implemented in the design to support the hearing impaired?
How does the project design support neurodiverse users?
Please share any innovations or certifications the project has met/ achieved.
Appendix C
Firm Award Questions
Please submit a PDF document (10MB maximum) containing:
1-page firm profile, outlining why your firm should receive the award
Biographies of the firm's principals and history of the firm. 2 pages maximum. This must include details of how the firm is at least 51% owned or led by Architect or International Associate AIA members in good standing.
Firm achievements. This should include a summary of recognition received for the firm's staff and projects. 2 pages maximum.
Descriptive statements and images of key works by the firm. Each project represented should be accompanied by at least three images, including site plans.
Optional: Any supplementary information to support the eligibility criteria, up to 3 pages.
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