Committee on Design

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Welcome Letter from the 2013 AIA COD Chair


Welcome Letter from the 2013 Chair

Dear Members of the Committee on Design (COD):

It is my honor and pleasure to serve as the AIA Committee on Design Chair for 2013. This year we’ll celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the COD! Established in 1963, the COD (originally named the Committee on Aesthetics) was one of the first Committees created by the AIA. We’re developing some unique programs this year to celebrate this important milestone! In addition, this year we’ll continue our notable annual programs including two major design conferences and will launch a new design video series.

Each year COD establishes a thematic focus for that year's conferences. In 2013 we will focus on Modernism: Origins, Regionalism, and Continuing Inspiration. Modernism is today, decades after it was first introduced as a conceptual approach to architecture, still potently apparent in much contemporary work, writing, and discussion. It is a subject of debate in discussions about saving classic Modernist buildings as historically significant, and in many cities throughout the US there is a resurgence in protecting and restoring modernist ranch homes. The COD Spring Conference will study Regional Modernism in Palm Springs, California, May 9-12, 2013. The COD Fall Conference will study Origins of Modernism in Berlin, Dessau, and Potsdam Germany September 22-28, 2013.

This year we are introducing an innovative new program: the Design Legacy Video Series. Learning from the success of our video Crafting the Future, produced by COD in 2011, this new Series will offer an annual video of a small group of highly recognized design leaders in a discussion of one topic. The inspiration for the Video Series is the iconographic videos done of Charles and Ray Eames, which provide a unique capture of design thinking in an informal, intimate venue. This type of design conversation is highly informative, inspirational, and of lasting value to the profession. The videos are intended to be widely available for viewing from the COD website to all AIA members, and to the public through the AIA national website. The inaugural video will be filmed in Palm Springs, California with design leaders from California speaking on Modernism in Architecture.

We will continue our annual role in nominating candidates for the AIA National Gold Medal, Firm Award, Twenty-five Year Award, Honorary Fellows, and Institute Honors for Collaborative Achievement Awards. The COD has standing committees for all the award nominations. The COD National Awards Reception will be held at the AIA National Convention in Denver, Colorado on the evening of June 20, 2013. A COD Annual Meeting will be held at the Spring Conference on Saturday morning, 7:30 a.m. on May 11, 2013, at which a review of all the year's annual programs, progress, and initiatives will be reviewed and open for discussion. I invite all COD members to join us this year at one of our meetings or events, and look forward to an exciting 50th Anniversary year!

Marlene Imirzian, FAIA
Chair, AIA Committee on Design 2013


See the AIA/COD website for continuing details, updates, and registration information.

May 9-12 SPRING CONFERENCE – Palm Springs, California
May 11 7:30 am - COD Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California
June 19-22 AIA National Convention – Denver, Colorado
COD lead conversations with this year's award recipients throughout
June 20 6:30 pm - Reception and Dinner with this year's award winners
September 22-28 FALL CONFERENCE – Berlin, Germany
