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Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence: Advancing Conversation about Placemaking and Practice 

09-16-2013 03:44 PM

This session will consider the complex, collaborative process of placemaking and the economic, environmental and social aspects of design. It will examine the architect’s role in the development of urban projects and emerging trends in practice. The session will also explore the impact of awards programs in highlighting innovation and projects that shape the future of American cities. Founded in 1987, the Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence celebrates urban places distinguished by quality design and their contributions to the social and economic vitality of our nation's cities. Anne-Marie Lubenau, AIA, will provide an overview of the award including the intensive application and selection process, as well as case studies about past winners available to architecture and planning professionals. She will share highlights about the five projects that received the 2013 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence including: six houses in Dallas, a 222-unit affordable housing project in the Bronx, a 7,300 square foot restaurant and food training facility in Chicago, an 85-acre waterfront park in Louisville and a 3.5-acre arts campus in Providence. Brent Brown, AIA, will discuss the development of Silver Medalist Congo Street Initiative, its impact in Dallas and contributions to public interest and urban design. This November 25 presentation is a part of the ongoing Housing Knowledge Community research webinar series.

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