AIA LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group Pilot Key How To’s
To help you better understand how to manage your privacy and self-moderation, please refer to these key group features.
When composing a discussion group post, you have the option of posting anonymously. If you don’t use this option, your name will appear as the person who posted.
Once you’ve composed your post, click on Post message anonymously.
Then submit your post. It will appear in the discussion group but will not show your name.
Customizing Your Signature Block
You have the option of customizing how your signature block appears in your posts. To do this, click on Signature at the foot of the post you are composing.
Your default signature block will appear. Click on Edit Your Default Signature and make and save your updates.
You may opt out of appearing in the group directory by clicking on your initials (or pic) in the upper right corner of the screen and selecting Profile.
Once on your profile, click on the My Account tab and select Privacy Settings.
Toggle the Yes button over to No.
Scroll the bottom of the page and Save Changes. NOTE: This will hide you from ALL directories in AIA KnowledgeNet.
Flagging A Post as Inappropriate
This group is self-moderated, so it is incumbent upon group members to understand the posting rules which are linked at the top of the window each time you compose a new post. If you see a post in the discussion that you believe breaks the rules, click on the post and open it and then select Mark As Inappropriate from the pull-down menu under Reply.
A window will pop up asking you to explain why you believe the post is inappropriate. Once you’ve entered your explanation click Submit. The post will disappear from the discussion group and will be placed into the moderation queue which the staff admin will view and either permanently remove or, if the post actually does not break the rules, return it to the discussion group. In either case, the staff admin will communicate with the parties involved to explain the decision.