Regional and Urban Design Committee (RUDC)
The Regional and Urban Design Committee (RUDC) improves the quality of regional and
urban environments by promoting excellence in design, planning, and public policy. This
is achieved through member and public education, in concert with allied community and
professional groups.
RUDC consists of architects and allied professionals focusing on the quality and design
of regional and urban systems. Our members practice architecture, urban design, and
planning in private practice, higher education, and government. RUDC also explores the
future of cities and other urbanized areas with a special emphasis on economic, social,
and environmental sustainability.
Sponsoring a Regional & Urban Design initiative or event gives industry-wide recognition for the corporate organization and demonstrates a commitment to excellence in strategic business environments and market share opportunities. Your
company or product will gain a sustainable competitive advantage among local, state, and national leaders who shape the next generation of essential products or services in demand by decision-makers and buyers directly relating to your business enterprise. The quest for a sustainable competitive advantage begins with the Regional & Urban Design relationships between building owners, mayors, real estate developers, architects, and tech leaders—representing construction, public infrastructure, public policy, housing, environmental planning, city landscapes, public safety, transportation,
mobility, technology, and sustainability industries.