Academy of Architecture for Justice

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2019 Fall Conference Call for Proposals 

03-25-2019 11:40 AM

Deadline to Submit: Monday, April 15, 2019 at Noon Eastern Time

The Academy of Architecture for Justice (AAJ) is pleased to announce this call for presentations for our fall conference. We are seeking provocative presentations and discussion topics from a wide range of viewpoints. The conference will continue to highlight traditional justice building types - corrections/detention, courts and law enforcement - with 3 separate tracks allowing for concurrent presentations: 
Track 1 - Case Studies
Track 2 - Community-Based Solutions
Track 3 - Community Inclusive Processes

We highly encourage presenters to focus on innovative solutions / concepts that address how justice facilities serve a community, cross the border between internal and public interface, engage with communities in unique ways and incorporate community involvement and operations that transcend building type. Collaborating with subject matter experts including policymakers, community-based service providers and community advocates is encouraged. The AAJ welcomes proposals from all of those active in justice facilities - courts, detention and law enforcement - including planners, architects, owners, public safety officials, officers and administrators, contractors and vendors.

This document aims to answer the most frequently asked questions about the Call for Proposals process. Please take a minute to review it before you submit your final proposals.

Conference Theme

In recent years, the Academy of Architecture for Justice has gathered to discuss social justice, interdisciplinary practice, approaches to mental health and treatment and how these issues shape the facilities we create for our communities. Today, alternatives to detention, innovative courts focused on therapeutic or restorative justice, increased focus on outward facing community services, and community policing are also reshaping the way architects design justice facilities. The theme for 2019 builds on previous conference themes (social justice, challenging the status quo, transdisciplinary justice) and this year focuses on crossing borders and the community face of justice facilities.

We will come together in San Diego in the shadows of prototypical sections of a vast physical barrier, inherently a symbol of division and difference, and with the wall as a backdrop will consider the unseen borders that often divide our communities in highly visible ways. We will discuss how architecture supports local initiatives put in place to unify a community in order to address longstanding social fractures and perceived barriers and examine how we move forward, together, as we take on these new and increasingly difficult challenges.

Who Should Submit Proposal?

The person submitting the proposal will act as the session organizer. They will serve as the primary contact with AIA staff. The organizer may be the primary speaker, a logistical contact for the primary presenter or a planning committee volunteer. The organizer will be responsible for following the submission guidelines and meeting deadlines for preparation and delivery. The organizer will be responsible for communicating with their entire speaker panel.


02/25/19          Call for Proposals Released
04/15/19          Due Date
05/15/19          Proposal Decision Communicated

Discounts and Travel

The AIA will offer a reduced registration fee for all presenters. Please note: No reimbursement is available for travel or lodging costs.

Review Process

Proposals will be assessed by a group of peer reviewers comprised of subject matter experts in the justice architecture industry and evaluated according to the criteria below.

  • Proposals are rated, ranked and selected based on the following criteria:
    • Topic discussed is an objective best practice
    • Relevance of the content to the conference theme
    • Solutions that are innovative and/or an emerging practice trend

Tips about the submission form

  • Title
    The title should be a short, benefits-oriented statement of no more than eight words. The AIA reserves the right to edit and adjust the title to meet AIA/CES requirements. Once a proposal is accepted, session titles may not be changed except by the AIA.
  • Session Summary
    This is essentially an elevator pitch. Speaking directly to the prospective attendees, briefly state what the session is about; what they will gain by attending; what new information or emerging trends will be addressed. Provide a snapshot of your session from the beginning to the end, if possible.
  • Learner Outcomes
    We are looking for measurable results that will come from your presentation ‐‐ what the learner (attendee, participant, etc.) will be able to do after attending your presentation. Please list four (4) measurable outcomes; proposals will not be considered without valid Learner Outcomes. Learner Outcomes are best expressed by using active verbs such as: identify, discover, practice, describe, chart, define, list, etc. For example: “By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to identify key skills needed to influence change”.
  • Delivery Style
    To deliver engaging and interactive learning, AIA will give preference to proposals that promote audience participation and engagement over lecture‐style and/or one‐way panel presentations.
    Examples of such formats include:
    Panel Discussion: Group of experts discussing emerging trends or innovative topics; engaging the audience in peer-to-peer discussion. *Incorporating AIA emerging professionals in panel discussions is preferred.
    Case Study: A single project presented with facts, problems, and data with questions to generate discussion and solutions.
    Workshop: An AAJ committee may request a space/time for a working session.
  • Speakers Leads
    Demonstrate to the peer reviewers that you have identified who has the expertise necessary to present the content you have outlined. Due to the complexity of most topics presented, the peer reviewers expect many viewpoints to be represented.  We would like to get a sense of who are you engaging to join your panel. We encourage you to include names where known and roles for all. Identify qualifications and expertise of each presenter.
  • Editing Your Submission
    Please note, if you wish to begin completing the form and plan to edit your answers later, you will receive an “edit link” in a confirmation email after you press [Submit]. If you wish to add a required item in later, you will still have to enter some text (such as "edit later") into the field to submit. We will not check final submissions until after the due date. We also highly recommend writing your answers out in a text or Word document and pasting them into the form in case there are any errors with submission
  • Notifications
    All submitters will receive an automated email confirmation of their submission was received. If you do not receive an email confirmation, contact Bruce Bland at or 202-626-7557.

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