Low vision affects health and safety in an increasing percentage of the population as it ages. Since 2011, a Rothschild Foundation Task Force has been working with the National Institute for Building Sciences to develop a set of low vision standards for the design and operational procedures for...
DFA Breakfast 2017 - NIBS Low Vision Committee.pptx
#AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #HistoricResourcesCommittee #CommitteeontheEnvironment #ProjectDeliveryKnowledgeCommunity #CommitteeonDesign #PracticeManagementKnowledgeCommunity #SmallFirmRoundTable #InteriorArchitectureKnowledgeCommunity #Conferences ...
Issue 14.03 of YAF CONNECTION #Seminars #BestPractices #Workshops #ExecutiveSummaries #Research #SmallProjectPractitioners #Articles #SpecialProjects #HousingKnowledgeCommunity #SmallFirmRoundTable #CommitteeonDesign #WhitePapers #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation
160620 1403 - Vol 14 Issue 03_final draft.pdf
What do you get when you gather over 40 COTE leaders in an inspirational meeting space, divide them into small groups, and give them a little over two hours to save the planet? The first COTE Hackathon, of course. In years’ past the Wednesday before the AIA National Convention has played host...
17 attachments
Hello to all AIA and AIA AAJ members out there! Hello to all community stakeholders ! What a great conference! I just wanted to write to say thank you to the AIA AAJ! Thanks for choosing me as a 2015 Knowledge Scholar and welcoming me with open arms. Thank you for...
Architects are some of the misunderstood professionals in society. The general public's perception of architects as heroes and lovers, designing unusually luxurious modernist buildings while acting like brash individualists such as Howard Roark (in The Fountainhead ) are results of the...
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#InteriorArchitectureKnowledgeCommunity #SmallFirmRoundTable #TechnicalDesignforBuildingPerformance #CommitteeonDesign #WalkingTours #Workshops #CommitteeontheEnvironment #SmallProjectPractitioners #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation #Seminars ...
#Conferences #WalkingTours #Seminars
SAH Presents Architectural Tours and Public Events at Chicago Conference.pdf
AIA Housing Knowledge Community Advisory Group's R. Denise Everson, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP , has taken the time to join the Leapfrog From Disaster Symposium in the Philippines. She will be speaking on November 6th Thursday about the AIA’s Housing KC’s recent trip to the Yunnan Provence in...
When: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Where: At The Center The annual Oberfield lecture was founded as a memorial to Gil Oberfield, AIA former member and chair of the Interiors Committee. It brings to the podium speakers whose work excels in the field of Interior Architecture. ...
09-23-2013 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET