Flickr/ Moyan Brenn By Ed Gauvreau, AIA I knew that I was going to be in trouble when at the 2013 National Convention, the incoming Chancellor of the College of Fellows greeted me with “Ed! When are you applying for Fellowship?” Now he happened to be a colleague of long...
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This past year has been a busy year. Hopefully with all the construction and good economy, many in our profession have been busy. Public Architects are no exception. Like architects in private practice, the public sector has also had its challenges. Public Architects values diversity and...
By Paula Loomis, FAIA Why Architecture Matters, Lessons from Chicago by Blair Kamin . My book selection for this edition of the APC newsletter is “Why Architecture Matters” by Pulitzer Prize winner Blair Kamin. Kamin’s book makes the case for why good architecture, urban...
Flickr/ Eric Haglund By Lee Solomon, AIA April 26, 2017 | AIA Convention, Orlando Florida Every year the AIA Public Architects Advisory Group sponsors a full day Workshop on the day prior to the start of the Annual AIA National Convention. This year the theme is “The Public...
Flickr/ Joe The Goat Farmer By Marilyn Wong-Wittmer, AIA Many thanks to our public architect colleagues for your enthusiastic response to the June 2015 Public Architect’s Survey. The survey, issued by the Public Architects Advisory Group (PAAG) of the Public Architects ...
By Rudy P. Friesen, FRAIC, Hon FAIA, LEED AP / Blueprints for Senior Living newsletter, October 2016 As an architect I have poured my heart and soul into creating better environments for elders, especially those in long-term care (LTC). More than 15 years ago, when my first household...
Banking is something that’s now an inevitable part of life. It is more like a chore to a business. Hence, it becomes important for the customers to maintain a good share of their credibility for the bank to score them good while helping them with loans. Taking one of its aspects, let’s talk...
What do you get when you gather over 40 COTE leaders in an inspirational meeting space, divide them into small groups, and give them a little over two hours to save the planet? The first COTE Hackathon, of course. In years’ past the Wednesday before the AIA National Convention has played host...
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April 2016 Issue of YAF Connection #Newsletters #HousingKnowledgeCommunity #CaseStudies #policy #Research #architect #BestPractices #RegionalandUrbanDesignCommittee #CustomResidentialArchitectsNetwork #youngarchitects #politics #civic #Leadership ...
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