Monumental architecture began with sacred places to commune with God/s and the unseen. The earliest preplanned structures were built to last forever, as places for community gathering, ceremony and ritual. It now seems certain that sound was an integral part of that scenario. This generously...
#HistoricResourcesCommittee #InterfaithForumonReligion,Art,andArchitecture #Conferences #CommitteeonDesign #PublicArchitectsCommittee
CFP LatrobeSymposium.pdf
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Corporate prayer room at LifeWay headquarters in Nashville, TN #SmallProjectPractitioners #InterfaithForumonReligion,Art,andArchitecture #CommitteeonDesign #CaseStudies
Information for contributors to ASA Worship Space Acoustics Publication #worship #Books #InterfaithForumonReligion,Art,andArchitecture #acoustic #CommitteeonDesign
The Wedding Tower by Joseph Maria Olbrich completed in 1908 and The Russian Church by Leontys Benois face each other across the square at Mathildenhohe. Also included here are two details from Olbrich's own house in the Darmstadt Artists Colony. #ArtNouveau #Darmstadt ...
Organized in conjunction with the exhibition, Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscapes , this full-day symposium considers Le Corbusier's exploration of landscape in the context of current architectural theory and practice. From domestic spaces to urban landscapes to infrastructure design,...
09-13-2013 | 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM ET
Reflecting on one of the American Institute of Architectsโ (AIA) Repositioning themes, โInnovateโ inspires ideas on building a better world. It brings to mind a new blog series called โ Building as Unusual โ by Geekie-Award-winning digital media platform Earth 2 Hub . It... and the Commoditization of Architecture, America Is Finally Closing Prisons. Now What Do We Do With Them?, Housing finance: How does it keep up with modern architecture?, Submissions for New Book AIA KNOWLEDGENET ROUND UP 2013 AIA Awards | News & Discussions | Free...
2013 Education Design Awards Call for Entries, Registration Extended for Free Webinar on LEED IgCC Sustainable Contract Documents, 2 Weeks Left to Win an iPad2, NAAB, NCARB, and eating our young... AIA KNOWLEDGENET ROUND UP 2013 AIA Awards | Recent Communications | News &...