The 2022 accreditation cycle (which examines 2021 activities) has been simplified to be a checkup that examines a shortlist of five activities that are most critical to the continued viability of each component. The slide deck and hand-out (linked below) provides a timeline and detailed...
Description: 21st Century Learning Environments blur the boundary between fun, play, wonder and information access. Melding examples from the past and present, this webinar looks at playgrounds as valued cultural activity centers and unique destinations that challenge children’s curiosity. ...
Moving Design 5 Description.docx
#CAE #London #FallConference #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation #Education
This session (the second of three 2012-2013) introduces cultivation of outdoor classrooms as essential to 21st century education. Creating healthy landscapes that connect classroom learning with natural play environments is a growing movement in schoolyards across the world. Architects, outdoor...
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Description: This session looks at the cultivation of outdoor classrooms as essential to 21st century education. Architects, garden educators and researchers will provide insights, objectives, and practical steps for envisioning, planning and constructing successful outdoor learning experiences....
Handout CAE Cultivating Outdoor Classrooms.pdf
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The AIA Committee on Architecture for Education (CAE) is proud to offer the 2012 AIA Education Research Scholarship. This program asks one selected emerging professional (defined below) to conduct research on learning environments for comparison and analysis. See Research & Scope section...
2012 AIA Education Research Scholarship.pdf