Apple Computer started in the garage of Steve Jobs’ parents’ house, where Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne developed the first Apple computer, based on Wozniak’s prototype. Apple's garage startup was preceded many years earlier when Hewlett Packard set up their first workshop in a garage,...
Recently, here in Australia, the New South Wales Government has developed a ten year plan to upgrade the state’s education infrastructure to meet growing population demands. [i] They aim to make significant changes to the way that their educational facilities are designed to deliver 21 st ...
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In 2016, Washington D.C. set out to modernize 100 of its 113 schools by 2022, expanding the District’s focus of preservation, place-making, and community investment. Twenty-five of these schools have had no building improvements since they were opened, and many were built during the first half...
With a population equal to that of Washington DC, Portland shares many similarities with Washington D.C., as it has one of the highest walkability scores, has a large community of bicyclists, and an expansive network of public transportation. Similarly, there is also a significant focus on urban...
#AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #HistoricResourcesCommittee #CommitteeontheEnvironment #ProjectDeliveryKnowledgeCommunity #CommitteeonDesign #PracticeManagementKnowledgeCommunity #SmallFirmRoundTable #InteriorArchitectureKnowledgeCommunity #Conferences ...
In what has become the most popular TED talk, Sir Ken Robinson asks “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” “My contention,” he says, “is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.” All children are born artists, Robinson notes, but we get...
“Schools began,” according to the architect Louis Kahn, “with a man under a tree who did not know he was a teacher, sharing his realization with a few others who did not know they were students.” Kahn’s return to essentials provided a powerful stimulus for his architecture. Kahn’s return to the...
In an article from the New York Times by Anna Holmes, the meaning of diversity highlighted a disconnection. It takes more than a simple box-ticking to tackle this issue. Important questions need to be asked that could help any industry: “(The African-American director Ava) DuVernay, who...
Issue 14.03 of YAF CONNECTION #Seminars #BestPractices #Workshops #ExecutiveSummaries #Research #SmallProjectPractitioners #Articles #SpecialProjects #HousingKnowledgeCommunity #SmallFirmRoundTable #CommitteeonDesign #WhitePapers #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation
160620 1403 - Vol 14 Issue 03_final draft.pdf
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