#AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #HistoricResourcesCommittee #CommitteeontheEnvironment #ProjectDeliveryKnowledgeCommunity #CommitteeonDesign #PracticeManagementKnowledgeCommunity #SmallFirmRoundTable #InteriorArchitectureKnowledgeCommunity #Conferences ...
In an article from the New York Times by Anna Holmes, the meaning of diversity highlighted a disconnection. It takes more than a simple box-ticking to tackle this issue. Important questions need to be asked that could help any industry: โ(The African-American director Ava) DuVernay, who...
A hectic way of life always requires a cheering surrounding at the end of an exhausting day. The home is rapidly becoming as an important interior designer's centerpiece. A contemporary interior design trend defines that innovative home decor is all about building a comforting ambiance along...
#InteriorArchitectureKnowledgeCommunity #SmallFirmRoundTable #TechnicalDesignforBuildingPerformance #CommitteeonDesign #WalkingTours #Workshops #CommitteeontheEnvironment #SmallProjectPractitioners #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation #Seminars ...
What is interior protection? A temporary interior protection system (TIPS) can be installed in manufacturing plants, hospitals, schools, warehouses and production facilities. Different TIPS services include Construction Wall Barriers, Suspended Ceilings, and High Structure Cleaning. Temporary...
Geberit CEU Lunch & Learn invitation from Metropolitan Home Hardware & Bath. Lunch & Learns are presented in your office. Other CEU courses are also available. #CEU #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation #sustainability #LUNCHANDLEARN #TechnicalDesignforBuildingPerformance ...
Course Description AIA.IDCEC. NKBA.4.5.12 (1)1.doc
Styles and building materials -- whether brownstone from Portland or brick from Windsor -- tell only part of the story of Connecticut's architectural heritage , which stretches back even before the country was born. The structures erected, those torn down and replaced and those still standing ...
Add to a library on the AIA KnowledgeNet site. Learn to: Create a new library entry Add description Upload your photos, PDF, video, presentation, or documents Link to the library from your own website Update and resubmit your library entry Below you will find a video tutorial...
how to post library.mp4
This webinar is part of a series sponsored by the Interior Architecture Knowledge Community As we strive to create high-performance buildings, industry professionals must seek innovative building practices and technologies that reduce energy consumption while maintaining ease of use for...
Presentation Files.pdf
This new facility houses all three sections of the Knowlton School of Architecture. WSA Studio partnered with Mack Scogin Merrill Elam Architects on the design of this project. Located adjacent to Ohio Stadium, the building is a major feature on the northwest corner of the academic core of the...
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