Read through the 2019 Issues of the Practice Management Digest! Use the links to read online, or download the PDFs below. This library entry will be updated as new issues are released. March 2019: Perpetual Sustainability - Practice-related aspects of sustainability, addressing...
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Read through the 2018 Issues of the Practice Management Digest! Use the links to read online, or download the PDFs below.This library entry will be updated as new issues are released. March 2018: Presentation Strategies - Connecting with potential clients to increase your chances of...
This webinar is sponsored by the Technology in Architectural Practice (TAP) Knowledge Community. Earn 1.0 AIA LUs | Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 2:00-3:00pm EDT This seminar will introduce and define the related concepts of Computational Design, Parametric Modeling, Algorithms, and Data...
TAP Webinar Final_1502.pdf
Hybrid OR’s are becoming standard issue at leading hospitals. We will review a case where Integrated Technology Planning was applied to a Hybrid OR and see how this approach proved critical to the project’s successful delivery and its prospect for long-term viability. Learning Objectives: In...
Handout- Hybrid OR FINAL.pdf
Call for presentations includes conference description, timeline, requirements, and hyperlink to application form. Presentations must be received before August 1. #Presentations #tap #Conferences #TechnologyinArchitecturalPractice #ProjectDeliveryKnowledgeCommunity ...
2012 AIA TAP Broadening the Perspective - Call for Presentations.pdf
Taisei Corporation, a top design build firm in Japan, showed a video of the activities of their R&D center #TaiseiCorporation #CraftingtheFutureJapan #Innovation #technology #ResearchandDevelopment #DesignBuild
Updated content: Design Management a Lean Approach #Presentations #TechnologyinArchitecturalPractice #lean #technology #IDP #fasterforward #Conferences #tap #BIM #Webinars #relationships
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