Books highlight winning projects for AIA Housing and AIA/HUD Secretary's Awards. #Books #housing #multifamilyhousing #customresidential #affordablehousing
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Here is an example of how the PlusSpec plug in we created does walls, floors and windows. All information visible will create a quantity or a smart component that can be altered, replaced, estimated and soon will have embodied energy. There has be no rendering done as yet and the model is still...
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One of the biggest challenges for residential architects today is working with clients who are more empowered than ever ─ empowered about what designs they like, what products they want, and what they know about your firm before they even sit down to discuss their project. Given this,...
Well-designed housing uses ventilation to maintain a healthy indoor environment and to provide thermal comfort with a low carbon footprint. However, the methods for achieving these goals – be they natural/passive or mechanical/active – impose significantly different design requirements on the...
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Download the final schedule, registration details, and travel information. #ResidentialArchitect #SmallFirmRoundTable #Seminars #CustomResidentialArchitectsNetwork #Workshops #CommitteeonDesign #WalkingTours #SmallProjectPractitioners #HousingKnowledgeCommunity #Conferences