Books highlight winning projects for AIA Housing and AIA/HUD Secretary's Awards. #Books #housing #multifamilyhousing #customresidential #affordablehousing
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Starting on 1/5/2017, AIA members can apply to be on the Consensus Committee (which votes on proposed changes to the standard) and/or Task Groups (which apply their expertise to review propose changes). We should consider having AIA members represented in each Task Group area (if we can recruit...
Volunteer Template - NGBS Consensus Committee.pdf
Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m. EST on March 23, 2016 The AIA Small Project Practitioners (SPP) and Housing Knowledge Community (HKC) are proud to offer the 2016 AIA Innovation and Practice in Housing Design Research Grant. This grant will fund one design professional to conduct research on a...
2016 SPP Housing Research Grant.pdf
This webinar will present and overview of the Department of the Navy Housing Privatization program and the Department of Veteran's Affairs Enhanced Use Leasing Housing Program. The Navy's program consists of over 62,000 family housing units and over 6,500 rooms for unaccompanied Sailors. This...
HKC1503 Handout Navy Housing Presentation.pdf
“Within Formal Cities” is a project by Abe Drechsler and Brian Gaudio to document housing and infrastructure projects in 5 cities in South America: Lima, Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Bogotá. This project was made possible by the Turan and Linda Duda Traveling Fellowship, which is a...
Smart growth and smaller dwelling units may address issues of sustainability far better than relying on technology. This webinar will present design strategies for developing smaller dwelling units as a means to achieve affordability in both initial and life-cycle costs while providing...
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The AIA Peer Network is a program developed for the architectural profession and its leaders who recognize the need to sharpen skills, share experiences, offer advice, and learn from peers better ways to run a successful business. Members help each other tackle the day-to-day complexities of...
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