Whitepaper delivered at the JustStand Wellness Summit 2012 Subtitled - How Interior Design Choices Can Reduce Workplace Health Risks Synopsis - 'Because work has become largely sedentary over the last 50 years, worker face a health risk from sitting at their desk or workstations. Medical...
Communicating CSR clearly to your constituents is very important to growth and success of any organization. Here's one way I think, we can make that process of communicating - very interactive and fun! #CorporateArchitectsandFacilityManagement #CommitteeonDesign ...
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Rather, it is complementary and uniquely expands the definition of leadership for sustainable environments, communities, and society at-large
06-19-2013 | 07:30 AM - 04:30 PM MT
#Corporate #CorporateArchitectsandFacilityManagement #Scholars #cafm #Essay
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See matching library entry files - Across all of the departments, sustainable desig...
The CAFM KC presented a webinar to explore an expanded role for today’s architectural programmers and facility planners as both analyst and information manager. This expanded role adds a new dimension as the profession adopts new tools and technology to meet client expectations for more cost...
Just Go With It Handout (CAFM)1.pdf
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As we move increasingly toward market-viable net-zero buildings with initiatives like ASHRAE Vision 2020 and the AIA 2030 Commitment, we must reevaluate how typical building components affect a facility’s energy efficiency. Energy savings and thermal comfort gained from an increase in air...
See matching library entry files - Essentially, thermal comfort, by definition, is ...