There is a useful summary of "key attributes" for each PDM, Even more helpful are the contract relationship diagrams provided. These show the lines of contractual relationships between the entities involved in each PDM, and they indicate the appropriate AIA contract template supporting each relationship
2015-10-01 AIA Contract Relationship Diagrams aiab094242(1).pdf
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By Bill Schmalz, FAIA, and Yu-Ngok Lo, AIA Most architects know that a substitution, an RFI, and a submittal are distinct things, each with its own relationship to the owner-contractor agreement
Beware of substitutions dressed in RFI or submittal clothing_2017 edits.pdf
Integrated delivery transforms the once adversarial relationship between owners, designers and builders into an alliance that incentivizes common goals and encourages collaboration and efficiency from the outset
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By Jane Cameron, AIA, LEED AP “How can I convince my client to include construction contract administration in my basic services? As a small residential and commercial practitioner, I’m often excluded from the construction phase.” The CCA Knowledge Community is frequently asked questions such as...
CCA White paper on why Architects should be involved with CA on small projects_rev 18 NOV 2015.pdf
This whitepaper was authored by Jeffrey Appelbaum and presented at the 2012 American Bar Association's Forum on the Construction Industry. In just over 20 pages, this article provides a very useful summary of the key factors that characterize the most common project delivery methods. Appelbaum's...
ABA_Project Delivery Paper 2012-04-26.pdf