This is a brief, 10-page summary of AIA contract documents related to commonly used project delivery methods, including IPD
2015-10-01 AIA Contract Relationship Diagrams aiab094242(1).pdf
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Since a good portion of the ARE’s Construction Document Services division tests you in topics many candidates are not familiar with, it could be quite challenging for you without proper preparation
ARE divisions Construction Documents and Services_R1.pdf
By Eric Pempus, AIA One of the most overlooked yet dangerous pitfalls for an architect is a provision in a legal document requiring a design professional to “comply with all laws, rules, and regulations" or similar language
“Complying with all laws” during design and construction.pdf
By Bill Schmalz, FAIA Download as a PDF below, or read it online > #ConstructionContractAdminstration #CCAWhitepaper #WhitePapers
Informed Consent.pdf
By Eric O. Pempus, FAIA, Esq. Download as a PDF below, or read it online . #ConstructionContractAdminstration #CCAWhitepaper #WhitePapers
RFIs - What's so good, bad and ugly about them.pdf
By Michael Plottel, AIA The complexity of modern buildings often leaves owners figuratively at sea. “Did we really get everything we paid for?” and “How do we operate this thing?” are two questions that often linger long after the ribbon cutting. The answers “Yes, we did” and “Yes, we can” start...
Ready and underway The owner's case for commissioning.pdf
This whitepaper was authored by Jeffrey Appelbaum and presented at the 2012 American Bar Association's Forum on the Construction Industry. In just over 20 pages, this article provides a very useful summary of the key factors that characterize the most common project delivery methods. Appelbaum's...
ABA_Project Delivery Paper 2012-04-26.pdf
By Bill Schmalz, FAIA, and Yu-Ngok Lo, AIA Most architects know that a substitution, an RFI, and a submittal are distinct things, each with its own relationship to the owner-contractor agreement. Neither RFIs nor submittals should be used to change the design intent. Substitutions can, when...
Beware of substitutions dressed in RFI or submittal clothing_2017 edits.pdf
Interest in alternate project delivery methods is growing as the traditional design-bid-build method is giving way to other delivery methods that provide better outcomes. Integrated delivery transforms the once adversarial relationship between owners, designers and builders into an alliance that...
2 attachments
By Jane Cameron, AIA, LEED AP “How can I convince my client to include construction contract administration in my basic services? As a small residential and commercial practitioner, I’m often excluded from the construction phase.” The CCA Knowledge Community is frequently asked questions such as...
CCA White paper on why Architects should be involved with CA on small projects_rev 18 NOV 2015.pdf