By Dale Munhall, AIA Real progress in the construction industry will require changes that are far more fundamental than electronics and wishful thinking. Our history of risk-shifting and adversarial contractual terms needs to give way to real collaboration and teamwork, so take a look at 5 IPD...
If We Keep On Doing What We’ve Always Done.pdf
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By Jane Cameron, AIA, LEED AP “How can I convince my client to include construction contract administration in my basic services? As a small residential and commercial practitioner, I’m often excluded from the construction phase.” The CCA Knowledge Community is frequently asked questions such as...
CCA White paper on why Architects should be involved with CA on small projects_rev 18 NOV 2015.pdf
Here is an example of how the PlusSpec plug in we created does walls, floors and windows. All information visible will create a quantity or a smart component that can be altered, replaced, estimated and soon will have embodied energy. There has be no rendering done as yet and the model is still...
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