This webinar is part of a series sponsored by the Regional and Urban Design community on AIA KnowledgeNet. The goal of LEAN is to provide the desired amount of product or service at the right time and at the highest possible level of quality with zero waste. Understanding and applying the...
PMKC201501 Full Presentation.pdf
This presentation is a primer on fundamentals of Lean and Six-Sigma processes and their application to healthcare architecture planning and design. Starting with Lean process objectives, the session will touch on the evolution of the Toyota Production System into current applications for healthcare, noting core tenets, key components and Lean tools now in use
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See matching library entry files - LEAN Concepts Drive Healthcare Architecture Plan...
Updated content: Design Management a Lean Approach #Presentations #TechnologyinArchitecturalPractice #lean #technology #IDP #fasterforward #Conferences #tap #BIM #Webinars #relationships
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