The 26th International Union of Architects Word Congress, UIA 2017 Seoul, will be held at the COEX Convention Center and Dongdaemun Design Plaza in Seoul, 3-10 September 2017
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See matching library entry files - PRESS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE UIA 2017 S...
By Yu-Ngok Lo, AIA, CDT, LEED AP, NCARB The recent economic recession forced most architectural firms to reduce the number of their employees. Large national firms with a headquarters-office/satellite-offices structure had a distinctive pattern of staff reduction, maintaining the size of the main office and dramatically shrinking the satellite offices. In many cases, only a few experienced architects remained in the local offices. Many of these firms preferred having all significant design work performed in the main office to ensure a uniform firmwide design brand
Out of State and Oversea Projects - Yu-Ngok Lo.pdf
The August issue of YAF CONNECTION #PracticeManagementKnowledgeCommunity #emergingprofessionals #businessmodel #Development #BestPractices #youngarchitects #internationalpractice
2016_08_22 1404 Issue Release.pdf
As the retail design marketplace for American architects has expanded beyond U.S. borders, an increasing number of U.S. architects are trying to navigate the sometimes rough waters of working overseas
Retail around the World.mp3
Is your firm working internationally or does it want to begin or expand services in other countries? Firms of different sizes are increasingly finding opportunity’s abroad and experiencing the rewards, challenges and risks found in the global arena
See matching library entry files - Q: Do you ever structure your fees so that payme...
Three newly elected Honorary Fellows of the AIA presented selected examples of their work and discussed what makes their practice special. Using images, they explained the challenges of their work, the manner in which they have responded to their client's programatical and aspirational requirements
2017_0418 TH217.pptx