The study includes judgments of over 150 nurses who work in these units, correlated with their units’ design features. The findings show which support spaces are most critical to decentralize and to what degree, and which locations are optimum for medical record workstations
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See matching library entry files - Questions Log – AAH1703 webinar “Lean Inpatient ...
Earn 1.0 AIA LU/HSW. Generative design, a method of design investigation utilizing algorithmic or rule-based systems to generate automated digital outputs, is gaining importance within schools of architecture and the design software development community. Often paired with parametric modeling tools, generative design techniques allow rapid production, analysis, and visualization of design options based on varied data inputs. This session will present the concept of generative design using healthcare projects as case studies
See matching library entry files - Questions Log - AAH1710 webinar “Generative ......“...
Creativity in healthcare design is the result of the intersection of at least four factors: the creativity of the designer, the characteristics of a project, the process used by the design team, and the support of the client
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See matching library entry files - OTB Series sessions provide to a broad audience,...
With the shift from volume-based to value-based healthcare, hospitals are finding that their revenue is impacted by the way patients score their experience at the hospital. Design of the environment can not only enhance the patient experience; it can have a discernable effect on the institution’s bottom line
See matching library entry files - Final_AAH1602_Increasing your HCAHPS scores thro...
This webinar is part of a series sponsored by the Regional and Urban Design community on AIA KnowledgeNet
PMKC201501 Full Presentation.pdf
Dublin Methodist Hospital was designed to “change the way health care is delivered in central Ohio.” It was also considered the most evidence-based designed hospital in the United States at the time it opened in 2008
See matching library entry files - Q: Did the original design look...
This presentation will guide participants step by step through the design process of a Psychiatric Unit and psychiatric safe Holding Rooms in an Emergency Department
See matching library entry files - The HC 101 Series sessions are tailored to provi...
Understand the current status of the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court Decision that upholds it and its implications for healthcare facility design. 3. Understand how South Carolina’s hospitals are preparing for this future. 4. Understand the likely impact of national policy on facility design and construction Presenters: Thornton Kirby, FACHE President and CEO, South Carolina Hospital Association #webinar #reform #AcademyofArchitectureforHealth #healthcare #AAH #ThorntonKirby
AIA Webinar--November15-FINAL.pdf
Francis Murdock Pitts, FAIA, FACHA OAA conducts an in-depth analysis of recent trends and current practices in Mental Health reimbursement, diagnostics and treatment – including key drivers of change in fundamental approach and their impact on design of inpatient and outpatient treatment settings
Mental Health FINAL 2.pdf
The original goals of the Case Study effort by the Research Initiatives Committee was the following: Gathering and/or creating case studies to share with the Healthcare Industry Utilizing the AIA/AAH Health Care Design Awards as a “peer-reviewed” source for case studies Defining a standardized format for case studies and encouraging firms and their clients to use it Creating a AIA/AAH Case Study Repository or Library for sharing the case studies It is the AIA/AAH Research Initiatives Committee’s vision that a more focused and formal approach to collegial sharing of Design Award Winning Project information will help us all do better work
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See matching library entry files - Ambulatory Care: Surgicenters; 2015 Desi...