Getting There from Here: Navigating the Transition to a Radically Reformed Healthcare Industry July 22–24, 2016 Renaissance Blackstone, Chicago, IL Co-hosted by the AIA/AAH and ACHA This was a comprehensive “deep dive” into the healthcare industry’s adaptation to revolutionary change. How are healthcare sectors responding to unprecedented demands for transformation from selling health services to creating accountable outcomes at attainable costs? Conference attendees learned the status of change, the barriers and opportunities within the industry transformation and how to help our clients reach their future
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See matching library entry files - Dave is the CEO and founder of ...
See matching posts in thread - Deadline is April 9, 2018. The Academy o...
A TEDxABQ talk on the Paolo Soleri Amphitheater at the Santa Fe Indian School. The talk encapsulates the historic collaboration between Cherokee Lloyd Kiva New and Paolo Soleri in visualizing and building the first theater for contemporary American Indian performing arts. It advocates for its...
This is the advertising poster for the 2015 Leicester B. Holland Prize: A Single-Sheet Measured Drawing Competition. #NPS #HistoricAmericanBuildingsSurvey #measureddrawings #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation #competition #HistoricResourcesCommittee #HABS