When: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Where: At The Center The annual Oberfield lecture was founded as a memorial to Gil Oberfield, AIA former member and chair of the Interiors Committee. It brings to the podium speakers whose work excels in the field of Interior Architecture. ...
09-23-2013 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET
AIA CES: 1.5 LU When: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Where: At The Center Case Study Presentations and a Panel Discussion Global Branding = design + communication + strategy + cultural navigation As architects building for global brands we are asked to articulate brand...
09-30-2013 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET
Please join AIANY Interiors Committee & AIANY Emerging New York Architects (ENYA) in collaboration with AIA Newark and Suburban Architects for our “ End of Summer Networking Happy Hour ” at Wilkhahn Showroom New York. This networking event is open to all professionals within the...
08-29-2013 | 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM ET
Phyllis Lambert, Hon. FAIA , will present her new book Building Seagram , published by Yale University Press. The presentation will be followed by a conversation with Barry Bergdoll . The Seagram building rises over New York’s Park Avenue, seeming to float above the street with...
10-28-2013 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET
Architecture and Design Month New York City October 2013 The third annual month-long festival of architecture activities, programs and exhibitions in New York City #CommitteeonDesign #SpecialProjects #Conferences #AIANY #NewYorkCity #InteriorArchitectureKnowledgeCommunity...
10-01-2013 - 10-31-2013