Learning Objectives After participating in this webinar attendees will be able to: 1) Understand and apply basic accounting terminology used by the industry. 2) Understand how rates, profit and multipliers are calculated and apply to financial metrics for monitoring projects and firm financials. 3) Understand the basics of setting up a budget in accounting are presented along with a demonstration of how and why a budget is updated during the course of a project. 4) Know how progress reports are utilized in the revenue recognition process and project status reports are used for consistent project monitoring
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See matching library entry files - Financial Measurements on Project Status...
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The following PDF is a compilation of my notes from the Project Delivery Symposium at the Texas Society of Architects 72nd Annual Convention. #DesignBuild #IPD #P3 #PublicPrivatePartnerships
PD symposium notes.pdf
Knowledge Architecture recently completed a study on social media activies of over 250 of the largest architecture and engineering firms in North America. Over half of the architecture and engineering firms we surveyed are actively using social media. Of those firms, almost all of them were...
See matching library entry files - Corporate Memory Top 10 Trends + Insights http:/...