Under the mentorship of members of the CAE leadership group, Kelly Martinez, Assoc. AIA conducted post occupancy research on several geographically diverse education projects. Four research case studies were selected by Kelly from among the last three years of National AIA | CAE design awards...
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See matching library entry files - As society has evolved, many would argue that th...
This session (the second of three 2012-2013) introduces cultivation of outdoor classrooms as essential to 21st century education. Creating healthy landscapes that connect classroom learning with natural play environments is a growing movement in schoolyards across the world. Architects, outdoor...
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Description: This session looks at the cultivation of outdoor classrooms as essential to 21st century education. Architects, garden educators and researchers will provide insights, objectives, and practical steps for envisioning, planning and constructing successful outdoor learning experiences....
Handout CAE Cultivating Outdoor Classrooms.pdf
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On October 19, 2018, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee on Architecture for Education (CAE) summit brought together architects, policymakers, students, educators, school administrators, law enforcement and building code officials, mental health experts, and others to examine...
Description: 21st Century Learning Environments blur the boundary between fun, play, wonder and information access
This webinar will demonstrate how 21st Century Learning is taking place through case studies of new creative and invigorating learn work environments. These case studies are not hypothetical unachievable futuristic ideals, but rather recently designed and implemented environments that will...
2014 AIA CAE 21st Century_MASTER2.pdf
2013 CAE Fall Conference Nov. 6-9, 2013 Last year’s Fall Conference in San Francisco was an absolute delight to attend. The conference was action packed and full of inspiration. Gever Tulley’s Keynote “Emergent Architecture for a New Kind of Education” focused on school as a collective...
2013 CAE Fall Conference Article.pdf
2013 AIA-CAE Fall Conference: Design Thinking and Creativity Envisioning the Next Generation of Learning Environments Join CAE members in San Francisco and the greater Bay Area for the 2013 AIA-CAE Fall Conference Design Thinking and Creativity, Envisioning the Next Generation of Learning Environments November 6-9, 2013 #Conferences #kc #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation
11-06-2013 05:00 PM - 11-09-2013 12:00 PM PT
The AIA CAE 2013 Educational Facility Design Awards Webinar will share concepts about educational facility planning and design with CAE members as well as others interested in the design of learning environments. The webinar will share ideas that exhibit innovation and excellence of the client's educational program through responsive and responsible programming, planning, and the design of learning environments. In other words, understanding the learning environment beyond the aesthetic where the function and surrounding regional and community context are valued as part of a participatory planning and design process
This program asks one selected emerging professional (defined below) to conduct research on learning environments for comparison and analysis
2012 AIA Education Research Scholarship.pdf