This paper addresses the specifics of IPDโs impact on the Architectโs role during Construction Contract Administration. #CCAWhitepaper #IPD #PracticeManagementKnowledgeCommunity #cip #cca #ConstructionContractAdministration #WhitePapers
CCA in IPD_2012-03061.pdf
This session discusses how architects can improve their design management services as contractors push for a more active role in managing the design phase of projects through Virtual Design and Construction using BIM model; and how ambitious performance, cost and delivery goals were met through...
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Conducted by the University of Minnesota and sponsored by Canadaโs Integrated Project Delivery Alliance, the goal of this survey was to understand the current state of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
20150925 IPDA IPD Survey Report.pdf
From the AIA 2012 Convention, this workshop presentation covers: The Basics of Building Information Modeling (BIM) BIM During Design and Construction How can BIM lead to integrated project delivery methods?
AIA 2012 Natl Conv BIM and CCA Final.pptx
By Eric O. Pempus, AIA, June 6, 2015 #ConstructionContractAdministration #CCAWhitepapers #WhitePapers #Articles
From Amish Barn Raising to Integrated Project Delivery.pdf
Integrated delivery transforms the once adversarial relationship between owners, designers and builders into an alliance that incentivizes common goals and encourages collaboration and efficiency from the outset. Integrated project delivery (IPD) requires a highly responsive and interactive team that, due to the pending concurrency of design and construction, must work together intensively, especially during the initial project design phase
Handout_Delivery Methods.pdf
On March 6, the AIA Project Delivery Knowledge Community held their first Symposium, Delivering the Future, at the AIA National Headquarters in Washington, DC. This one day event provided an interesting overview of how project delivery methods have evolved to their current state and how they...
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See matching library entry files - Business as an Ecosystem AIA Project Delivery Sy...
Recognizing a need for change to address demands for more efficiency, project complexities and sustainable results, the AEC industry is slowly transitioning to more integrated project delivery methods, fostering more collaboration
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See matching library entry files - Moderator Recognizing a need for change to addre...
Discuss practical applications that blend energy efficiency and effective design using case studies. PA301: Integrated Project Delivery: A Catalyst for Collaboration and Planning 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM| 1.0 AIA HSW LU Integrated project delivery (IPD) and virtual design construction (VDC) are the buzz of the A/E/C industry
06-19-2013 | 07:30 AM - 04:30 PM MT
This is a brief, 10-page summary of AIA contract documents related to commonly used project delivery methods, including IPD. There is a useful summary of "key attributes" for each PDM, Even more helpful are the contract relationship diagrams provided. These show the lines of contractual...
2015-10-01 AIA Contract Relationship Diagrams aiab094242(1).pdf