#SantaFe #Conferences #CustomResidentialArchitectsNetwork #Seminars #2013 #symposium
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Pricing AIA Member Early Registration $400 (includes Home Tour for the first 180 registrants) Non-Member Early Registration $500 (includes Home Tour for the first 180 registrants) AIA Member Late Registration $500 (includes Home Tour for the first 180 registrants) Non-Member Late Registration $650 (includes Home Tour for the first 180 registrants) AIA National CRAN Leadership $0 (includes Home Tour for the first 180 registrants) CRAN Chapter Leaders $0 (includes Home Tour for the first 180 registrants) Speakers $0 (includes Home Tour for the first 180 registrants) Special Event 1 - Taliesin $0 Special Event 2 - Arcosanti Tour $35 Guest Cocktail Reception (held at Hotel Valley Ho - 3 cocktails) $0 Guest Home Tour $80 --Select “ Guest – Event Only ” as the guest registration type to purchase the home tour option
Tours THURSDAY September 12 8:45-10:45am - Arcosanti Architects Tour | 2 LU SATURDAY September 14 7-10:30am - Home Tour - South Loop | 3 LU 10:45-11:45am - Biltmore | 1 LU 1:30-5pm - Home Tour - North Loop | 3 LU Sessions THURSDAY September 12, 1:10-2:10pm Education Session 1 | 1 LU Preoccupations Speaker Thamarit Suchart, AIA This session will focus on the work of Chen + Suchart Studio, an award winning architecture firm based in Scottsdale, Arizona
Download the final schedule, registration details, and travel information. #ResidentialArchitect #SmallFirmRoundTable #Seminars #CustomResidentialArchitectsNetwork #Workshops #CommitteeonDesign #WalkingTours #SmallProjectPractitioners #HousingKnowledgeCommunity #Conferences
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One of the biggest challenges for residential architects today is working with clients who are more empowered than ever ─ empowered about what designs they like, what products they want, and what they know about your firm before they even sit down to discuss their project. Given this,...
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See matching library entry files - And then, also what I do, this shows that same h...